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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 77
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012-05-11T14:51:41ZNLP resources for the analysis of patient / therapist interviewsSaggion, Horacio; Stein de Sparvieri, Elena; Maldavsky, David; Szasz, Sandra
2012-05-11T14:47:30ZNatural Language Processing (NLP) resources applied to the David Liberman Algorithm (DLA) research methodology for the analysis of patient and therapist wishesStein de Sparvieri, Elena; Maldavsky, David; Saggion, Horacio
2012-05-11T13:48:08ZLos ideales de los analistas: resultados del análisis de los relatosSánchez Antillón, Antonio
2012-05-11T13:42:29ZLibidinal fixations and defenses in psoriasis illness: analysis of the discourse with DLAAlvarez, Liliana H.; Britti, Ana M.; Neves, Nilda; Roitman, Clara R.; Tate de Stanley, Cristina; Maldavsky, David
2012-05-11T13:22:05ZLibidinal drives, defenses and early experiences de termining psychosomatic symptomsManson, Marilé; Maldavsky, David
2012-05-11T13:17:57ZLibidinal drives and defenses present in the discourse of associations for the handicepped and links to social, political and psychotherapy determinants, using the David Liberman Algorithm (DLA)Stein de Sparvieri, Elena; Maldavsky, David
2012-05-10T19:02:27ZLa detección de la defensa en el lenguaje del pacienteRoitman, Clara R.; Tarrab, Estela R.; Tate de Stanley, Cristina; Maldavsky, David
2012-05-08T19:11:47ZInvestigation on verbalizations and movements during a session of a child. Applications of David Liberman algorithm (DLA)Roitman, Clara R.; Bodni, Osvaldo; Cusien, Irene L.; Falise, Cristina; Garzoli, Elsa H.; Maldavsky, David; Manson, Marilé; Sloin de Berenstein, Rosa; Tate de Stanley, Cristina; Tarrab, Estela R.
2012-05-04T18:27:14ZKing Richard The Third, adult psychic helplessness and the scene of believing untruthful words: libidinal fixations and defenses studied with David Liberman algorithm (DLA)Woizinski, Adela E.; Maldavsky, David
2012-05-04T18:24:22ZInvestigación de deseos y defensas en episodios de corte autoinfligido y sus antecedentes aplicando el algoritmo David LibermanScilletta, Delia B.
2012-05-04T17:12:42ZContrato narcisista en una pareja. Una investigación con el Algoritmo David Liberman (ADL)Tate de Stanley, Cristina; Alvarez, Liliana H.; Britti, Ana M.; Neves, Nilda; Roitman, Clara R.; Maldavsky, David
2012-05-04T14:16:47ZInventarios de erogeneidades, defensas y niveles de análisis en el lenguajeCosta, Gley P.; Martins, Mario; Katz, Gildo; De Oliveira, Facundo; Maldavsky, David
2012-05-04T14:14:05ZIntersubjective traps during a session of a couple psychotherapy: A four level analysis (extratransference and intrasession-one-person focus, couple-intrasession, patients–therapist) using the David Liberman Algorithm (DLA)Maldavsky, David
2012-05-04T14:12:09ZIntersubjective traps during a session of a couple psychotherapy A four level analysis (extratransference and intrasession-one-person focus, couple-intrasession, patients–therapist) using the David Liberman algorithm (DLA)Roitman, Clara R.; Maldavsky, David; Tate de Stanley, Cristina; Britti, Ana M.
2012-05-04T14:09:27ZIrony in a violent patientManson, Marilé; Tate de Stanley, Cristina; Roitman, Clara R.; Stoin, Rosa; Aparaín, Angeles; Maldavsky, David
2012-05-04T14:02:14ZThe first behaviors of affect attunement, and their role in the infant’s developmentFlores Cáceres, José A.; Maldavsky, David
2012-05-04T13:59:45ZEstado del arte: sobre los ideales de los psicoanalistas en su experiencia en la institución psicoanalíticaSánchez Antillón, Antonio
2012-05-04T13:55:58ZErogeneicities and defenses in a sensory and motricity handicapped woman: application of DLA (David Liberman algorithm)Kazez, Ruth; Maldavsky, David
2012-05-03T16:08:29ZDrives and Defenses in Aphasic PatientsCantis, Jorge G.; Maldavsky, David; Durán, Rita de; García Grigera, Horacio
2012-05-03T15:35:10ZA diagnostic research using the David Liberman algorithm (DLA)Títolo, Carlos; Maldavsky, David
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 77