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Título : Comentarios acerca del trabajo "La vida de los locos o el juego de Micaela"
Otros títulos : Comments about the work: “The life of the insane or the game of Micaela”
Autor : Pousa Camba, María R.
Palabras clave : Psicología
Fecha de publicación : 2006
Editorial : Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales (UCES)
Citación : Pousa Camba, M. R. (2006). Comentarios acerca del trabajo "La vida de los locos o el juego de Micaela". Cuestiones de infancia, 10, 180-187.
Resumen : Se comentan las vicisitudes transferenciales en el análisis de la niña, caracterizando todo análisis como un juego. Se señala la importancia de la respuesta no complementaria que da la analista a la demanda. Tal respuesta, permite establecer un intervalo que abre a la afirmación subjetiva. Los interrogantes sustituyen lentamente a las certezas y denotan la tolerancia a la perturbación que le producen la paciente y su historia, así como también su posibilidad de salir de la especularidad en la relación con la madre de la niña. Se considera también el papel del humor en la vida anímica de Micaela. Por último, se habilitan la continuación de la búsqueda de un lugar, en el cual continuar el juego analítico.
This workshop introduces the case of Micaela, a seven years old girl. The consultation motives were learning difficulties and rebelliousness at home. The conflictive family situation that surrounds Micaela is here in considered, as well as the interventions made during the interviews with the mother an the child using playing tecnics. Below two comments on the case are presented. On the first comment (José Cernadas), the richness of the case is emphasized. The following subjects are considered as lines of analysis: death, incest, the child as an emergent symptom and finally the place of an analyst of children. The first parent’s movements (Silvia and Charles), favour endogamic functioning. Therapy becomes and opportunity opened, by the girl’s mother. The history of Silvia mixes up with that of Micaela and opens her therapeutic space. The author also considers death, the “no way out” situation, linked to endogamic functioning. With her symptoms, Micaela, puts forward the conflict, therefore allowing questions to appear. Her father looses his plans within his marriage, and remains trapped inside an incestuous web. The mother works on her discomfort and when she goes back to her hometown starts a personal seeking which leads her and her children to another opportunity. The second comment (M. R. Pousa Camba), deals with the transference vicisitudes inside the analysis of the girl, defining it as a game. The importance of a non-complementary response to the demand is pointed out. Such response allows an interval which opens a subjective affirmation. The questions slowly replace certainties and denote the tolerance to the disturbance caused to the analyst by the patient and her history, as well as the possibility of getting out of the illusions between the girl and her mother, the rol of humor in Micaela’s life is also considered. Finally the author tells how successive renounces break imaginary questions and enable the search of a place to continue the analytical game.
URI : https://dspace.uces.edu.ar/jspui/handle/123456789/103
ISSN : 1666-812X
Aparece en las colecciones: 2006, v.10. Juego, dibujo e interpretación

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